The Path

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Finders Course & SF Retreat

Hey there,

I'm writing you from San Francisco, where I'm excited to head on retreat in a few hours .. to unplug and go within.

But first, I wanted to invite you to join an extraordinary online course. 

It's a four month program, called Finders Course. It's intense. It requires meditating an hour a day .. and positive psychology exercises too .. to supercharge your happiness and well being.

It is a real time commitment. But it pays off.

It shifts you .. to a deep feeling of inner peace. One person in my class (we just finished the course) said he now feels "deep contentment." I found it transitioned me from thinking the world was out to get me .. to a profound feeling that the world supports me.

A new round of Finders Course starts June 24th. They're accepting applications the next few days.

click here to apply to Finders Course 

Or respond to this note, and we can talk about it. 

In the meanwhile, I wish you an awesome, joyous weekend, full of love and/or laughter, fun and/or productivity!

With love,

p.s. If you're in SF or have friends or family here, we're hosting The Path Experience San Francisco next Saturday, June 17th. It's an afternoon retreat in a stunning location, with food from Seed + Salt, amazing people and just 8 spaces left. Click here to learn more or join us!

p.p.s. Have fun today!