The Path

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The Story

Do you have people you run into all the time?

Last week I ran into a friend four times, all over the city. It felt like something was bringing us together. The fourth time, I finally approached him. I had been a bit upset with him. He works with artists and was constantly inviting me to see his clients, at free and paid events. I went to both, to support him. I then invited him to events I was hosting, but he never came.

I couldn't figure it out, and I felt badly. I created a story about why.

A few days ago I finally approached him and asked. And he said, "the truth is that I'm just starting in this new career. I can't afford to go to any paid events, no matter what it is. It's kind of embarrassing, but that's why." He was sweet and apologetic, and I gave him a big hug and learned a big lesson.

It's easy to create stories. We make up "why" to explain someone's behavior, and often we're wrong. But we live in that why. And miss out on so much. 

What if we're open to simply asking? Or stopped creating stories and simply let things be? 

In the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz writes about not making assumptions (it's the third agreement!). It's so hard, so counter to our nature, and so transformative.

Today, on Rosh Hashanah, I commit to letting go — of stories. Do you have any you want to release?

Meditation brings us closer to the truth of what "is" rather than the mishegas we often build around things. On Tuesday we're excited to have Ally Bogard lead us in a meditation that will help bring us away from these stories and closer to the real us. 

Click here to join us Tuesday, October 4.